Progressive reflections on the lectionary #29
Monday 5th August 2024
| Author: Simon Cross
John 6:35, 41-51: The bread of life - theme and variations
“Who are the Christians that really like the gospel of John?” My youngest asked me one day, after coming home from a trip away during which there had been an encounter with some street evangelists. “They kept saying, ‘the gospel of John, the gospel of John…’” I was told, as the whole conversation was played back in detail.
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Diana Butler Bass writes about the importance of politics in church
Wednesday 31st July 2024
| Author:
I always liked religion and politics. Religion and politics made my childhood Methodist church interesting. The grown-ups got mad when young preachers from places like Yale came in and told them that Dr. King was right and that we were killing people in a jungle in a place called Vietnam. Mostly, adults seemed polite and restrained in that old world. But you could count on a passionate preacher in a formal robe creating a family argument over Sunday lunch.
Even in my working-class, non-college educated neighborhood, we heard sermons quoting writers whose work I’d later read for myself — Martin Luther King, Jr., Daniel Berrigan, Dorothy Day, the Niebuhr brothers, William Sloan Coffin, Thomas Merton, and Harvey Cox. Indeed, people talked about the Niebuhrs so much that I thought they lived in our neighborhood. Theologians were among the first intellectuals I knew (novelists would also be on this list).
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Progressive reflections on the lectionary #28
Monday 29th July 2024
| Author: Simon Cross
John 6:24-35 Bread of heaven
There are
seven ‘I am statements’ attributed to Jesus in John’s gospel, among them ‘I am
the bread of life’ - which appears at the end of this week’s gospel passage.
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Progressive reflections on the lectionary #27
Monday 22nd July 2024
| Author: Simon Cross
Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 Messing about in boats
The lectionary gospel passage this week is basically the second half of the sixth chapter of Mark, with the exciting middle bits removed. Those exciting middle bits being, of course, the feeding of the five thousand, and Jesus walking on the water.
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Progressive reflections on the lectionary #26
Monday 15th July 2024
| Author: Simon Cross
Mark 6:14-29 - Enter the villain
The gospel passage this week, which narrates the
story of the death of John the Baptiser, takes us into the world of, arguably,
the biggest villain of the Jesus tradition: Herod Antipas.
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Progressive reflections on the lectionary #25
Monday 8th July 2024
| Author: Simon Cross
Mark 6: 1-13 - The rejection at Nazareth
My family say that I’m a Bible nerd, and they don’t mean it kindly. They say it not because I’m an expert in the Bible - I’m definitely not, but because I find these texts endlessly interesting. Any old passage seems to have a whole host of rabbit holes you can disappear down, the passage this week is no different.
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Progressive reflections on the lectionary #24
Monday 1st July 2024
| Author: Simon Cross
Mark 5: 21-43 - death and the daughters
This week the gospel passage is the version of the famous story of the woman with ‘issue of blood’, interwoven with that of Jairus’ daughter, in the gospel according to ‘Mark’.
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Progressive reflections on the lectionary #23
Monday 24th June 2024
| Author: Simon Cross
Mark 4:35-41: Storms and stones
There is a
good pairing, in the lectionary this week, of the ‘stilling of the storm’ from
Mark’s gospel, and the David and Goliath story from 1 Samuel. A ‘plain reading’ (surface
level) take is easy - something along the lines of having faith, trusting that
God can/will do miracles. In other words, that reading insists that faith alone
is enough - that solves all our problems.
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Progressive reflections on the lectionary #22
Monday 17th June 2024
| Author: Simon Cross
Mark 4:26-34 Mustard seeds, birds, and all that.
In the passage from Mark this week we have the
famous story of the mustard seed - preceded by a slightly less famous story
about sowing seeds. The mustard seed story is famous because its colourful:
Jesus basically says ‘the kingdom of God is like a mustard seed, it starts off
tiny but then it grows massive and birds come and nest in it.’ On a number of
levels, the birds bit is a nice touch, I think.
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Progressive reflections on the lectionary #21
Friday 14th June 2024
| Author: Simon Cross
Mark 3:20-35 - Resisting violence while denying shame and honour
The Gospel reading this week is one of the more obscure, and even dense, parts of ‘Mark’ - it takes a typically concentric shape, beginning with Jesus’ family who are convinced he has gone out of his mind.
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Progressive reflections on the lectionary #20
Monday 10th June 2024
| Author: Simon Cross
Mark 2:23-3:6 Keep the Sabbath special?
I’m not very old (depends who you ask, I guess), but I’m old enough to remember vigorous campaigns to ‘keep Sunday special’ and other initiatives that tried to stem the tide of ‘creeping secularism’. I suppose that perhaps there are similar initiatives today, but they don’t seem to make a ripple - that boat has well and truly sailed.
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Progressive reflections on the lectionary #18
Monday 27th May 2024
| Author: Simon Cross
John 3:1-17 - Trinity Sunday
There’s an
embarrassment of riches for anyone due to preach on this Trinity Sunday,
readings offered from the Hebrew Scriptures are Isaiah 6:1-8 and Psalm 29 - each proposing dramatic visions of
the divine, then Romans 8:12-17 speaks of the Spirit of God,
while the gospel passage is ‘sonship’ focussed, telling the story of Jesus’ meeting with the pharisee Nicodemus and
the subsequent confusion over being ‘born again.’
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Progressive reflections on the lectionary #17
Monday 20th May 2024
| Author: Simon Cross
John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 Pentecost
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Progressive reflections on the lectionary #16
Monday 13th May 2024
| Author: Simon Cross
Luke 24: 44-53 An opened mind
lectionary, this week, has two routes one might follow - and I’ve chosen to
follow the readings which relate to ‘ascension’ which include the gospel passage from ‘Luke’ - the author of
which is also understood to be the author of ‘Acts’.
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Progressive reflections on the lectionary #15
Monday 6th May 2024
| Author: Simon Cross
John 15: 9-17 All you need is love
The gospel
lectionary reading this week follows directly on from that of last week, now the writer has Jesus
continue with his ‘vine’ symbolism, but move from an emphasis on ‘remain’ or
‘abide’ to an emphasis on ‘love’. Here the virtue of love is presented as the
primary ethic in the Jesus movement, the thing on which everything else depends
and relies.
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Progressive reflections on the lectionary #14
Monday 29th April 2024
| Author: Simon Cross
John 15:1-8 I heard it on the grapevine
One theory about the four gospels is that they represent different (early) Christian communities. John’s gospel, then, would have been written for a particular Christian group, probably around about 70 years, ish, after Jesus’ death. The way it is written and the stories it contains, are, according to this way of thinking, designed to speak directly to the people of the ‘John community’.
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Thoughts on The Godhead and the Trinity: Arriving at A Statement of Faith
Thursday 25th April 2024
| Author: Gerald Drewett
How can God be the creator of a universe which is on a scale beyond our comprehension and also be the loving Father of a humankind which occupies a most minute speck in that universe? Scientifically, this might be expressed less dramatically as how can there be sentient human existence in an apparently material or physical universe?
The question arises because at least since Newton’s seventeenth-century time, science has increasingly claimed to be able to provide all the answers to all the questions about life, even though the history of science is a perpetual laying down of old certainties in favour of new developments in knowledge. At about the same time as Newton, the French philosopher Descartes was proposing that life was dualistic; there was the obvious physical world and the less obvious but equally real mental or spiritual world, and the two worlds were quite separate (dualism).
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Progressive reflections on the lectionary #13
Monday 22nd April 2024
| Author: Simon Cross
John 10: 11-18 What's so good about shepherds?
In terms of ‘greatest hits’ of the Gospels, this passage has to be in the top ten. The Good Shepherd who lays his life down for his sheep? Wonderfully evocative language and imagery, a sure fire hit.
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The Invisible Pews
Friday 19th April 2024
| Author: Harry Houldsworth
Church policy, for millennia, has been to ignore any sign that church members do not believe what is taught in the historic creeds. Heretical views, officially, do not exist!
Recently, I had the privilege to read a book by the Revd Leslie Newton – Revive us Again -which outlines his view of how the Methodist Church can promote a revival of Christianity in the multicultural, individualistic, and often atheistic, western world of the twenty-first century.
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