Saving Jesus Redux Home Edition

Saving Jesus Redux Home Edition

PRICE REDUCTION: NOW £40 (was £42)

DVD series 12 sessions Ever feel like Jesus has been kidnapped by the Christian Right and discarded by the Secular Left? Saving Jesus Redux is total revision of Living the Question’s popular 12-session DVD-based exploration of a credible Jesus for the third millennium. New contributors including Brian McLaren, Diana Butler Bass, and Robin Meyers join Marcus Borg, Walter Brueggemann, John Dominic Crossan, Matthew Fox, Amy-Jill Levine, and a host of others for a conversation around the relevance of Jesus for today.

We’re having a culture war and Jesus happens to be one of the weapons tossed about by both sides. - Amy-Jill Levine

List of themes Watch a video Saving Jesus Redux Home Edition is licensed for private home viewing only, all other rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication, exhibition and/or distribution of this product is a violation of applicable laws and is strictly prohibited. A group-use version of SJR is available at Saving Jesus Redux and includes downloadable participant and leader resources for small group study. This DVD is published only in the North American format, NTSC. Most modern European DVD players and TVs should be able to play this satisfactorily. Should you encounter any difficulty in playing this DVD, please get in touch. If we can’t solve the problem, we will refund you on return of the product in good condition.

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