New and renewing members to December 2025

New and renewing members to December 2025

This is the on-line payment point for anyone wishing to join PCN Britain or renew their membership.

PCN Britain has charitable status, and depends wholly on its membership for funding the work we do. Membership of the Progressive Christianity Network Britain is for all who value an open, progressive and theologically radical voice within British Christianity, and want to maintain and promote that generous understanding of faith. If you would like to set up a Standing Order or you prefer to pay by cheque then please use this form. If you would like to pay by Standing Order a mandate form can be downloaded here.

Membership Details

Select yes and we'll send you details of a group near you

Select yes and we'll send you information about starting a new local group

Gift Aid Declaration

Subscriptions to PCN Britain are eligible for Gift Aid.

For each tax year (Apr 6th – Apr 5th) covered by this declaration, you must pay enough income tax and/or Capital Gains Tax cover the amount that all the charities or community amateur sports clubs you donate to will reclaim. VAT and Council Tax do not count. PCN will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that you have given. You are required to notify us if your Gift Aid eligibility ceases.

What to do now

If you are NOT eligible for Gift Aid it would be helpful if you wrote that in the text box below. Please add any further comments or suggestions that you would like to give us - for example how you heard about us. When you've completed the form and the declaration please click on 'Add to Basket' and then 'Secure Checkout' to pay.