Hampshire Hub News

Local Events

Sunday 13th December 15.00 to 16.30
University of Winchester, Sparkford Road, Winchester
Inter-faith Café
Admission free but bring light refreshments to share
Contact Olly Dennis .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Regional Event
Saturday 4th June 2016 09:30
Desborough College, Maidenhead SL6 2QB
Open Faith
Do you wonder what Christianity has to offer our pluralist world? If so, the Wndsor and Maidenhead PCN Group invites you to a day for sharing, exploring and discussing with Emma Percy (Chaplain, Trinity College, Oxford) and David Pollock (Trustee of the British Humanist Association),
Cost £20 including light buffet lunch.
Contact Susan Hinds 01753 858123 .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

National Events

Friday to Sunday, April 1st to 3rd 2016
High Leigh Conference Centre, Hoddesdon, Herts
Free to Believe National Conference
Cutting Edge Faith
Speakers Andrew Bradstock, Susan Durber, Leslie Griffiths, Laurence More
Cost £175
Contact Linda Harrison http://www.freetobelieve.org.uk/conferences.html

Saturday May 14th 2016 10.30 to 16.00
Church at Carrs Lane, Birmingham B4 7SX
Day Conference in honour of the late Marcus Borg
Led by Diana Butler Bass
Cost £20
For bookings see events on PCN web site

Group Bulletins