Hampshire Hub News
Thursday 13th August 2015
The Edmund Kell Unitarian Church in Southampton will hold meetings on the first Sunday of most months 6.45 to 8.15pm starting in October. Members of the Hub are welcome to attend.
Lectures and Conferences of interest to Hub members coming up this Autumn include:
Tuesday 6th October, 6.30 pm, at Winchester Cathedral.
Lovell Interfaith Lecture: The meaning of mercy.
The lecture will take the form of a dialogue between Rabbi Alexandra Wright (Jew), Dr Stephen Thomas (Russian Orthodox Christian) and Sheikh Hojjat Ramzy (Muslim).
Light supper provided. No charge.
To book a place contact: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Wednesdays 7th October to 18th November, 12.30 to 1 pm, at United Church Jewry St Winchester
Space in the City. The Autumn series of talks is entitled ‘Tell us the Old, Old Story’.
Authoritative theologians, writers and preachers explore the interpretation of familiar passages of biblical narrative.
Saturday 10th October at the Essex Unitarian Church, 112 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W8 4RT
Sea of Faith in the Churches Day Conference on ‘Church Going Forward’.
Cost £10. Bring packed lunch.
For details and booking form go to http://www.sofn.org.uk