Summary of Group activity March to August 2105
Wednesday 5th August 2015
The Abingdon group continues to grow steadily with typical meetings attracting 16 -20 members. Earlier in the year we got together for a shared meal which proved to be a most enjoyable occasion. In our monthly meetings we have thought about Miracles, Easter and Holy Communion basing the discussion on the chapters on these topics from Tony Windross's book, 'A Thoughtful Guide to Faith'. A large group of us also enjoyed the opportunity to hear Bishop Jack Spong speak in Windsor. We really appreciated the efforts of the Maidenhead and Windsor Group in organising this event. Recently we have discussed issues which Mark Oakley raised at the PCN Britain AGM meeting. In particular, we homed in on the need to make the progressive Church resonant, rather than merely relevant, for its members and newcomers alike. In the coming quarter we shall start looking in detail at how the new PCN Britain Eight Points might be a guide for us and our congregations.