Group Profile
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About Us
The Abingdon PCN group continues to meet monthly at 7.30 pm on the first Tuesday of most months. Meetings are currently held on Zoom with an attendance of between 16 and 20. Our wide publicity of our meetings is beginning to prompt questions about just what being a progressive Christian might mean and this is something we intend to continue to explore as we grow in numbers We have completed the Living the Questions 2. study course and First Light: Jesus and the Kingdom of God DVD-based materials featuring Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan. We held a successful conference in Abingdon in October 2013 led by Adrian Alker and entitled, 'Let's Be Honest', which stimulated us to consider how we can be honest in our approach to Jesus, to the Church and to God as we develop our group and its activities locally. Since 2017 we have hosted well attended talks from Australian theologian, Dr Val Webb, Dave Tomlinson, Keith Ward and, in 2020, we were glad to be able to welcome John Barton to talk about how Christians and Jews read the Bible. Currently the group is concerned to examine positive insights for progressive Christianity and the role of PCN, nationally and locally, looking to the future.