February - March 2014 update of activity
Wednesday 5th February 2014
So far this year we have been examining the implications of being honest about Church in the light of being honest about Jesus. The review of PCN’s Eight Points gave us the opportunity to think about what we were happy to say was our approach to Christian life in all its senses. This led us to focus on what positively we wished to develop in the life of our local churches. We looked in turn at our responses to Adrian Alker’s Jesus-inspired expectation of Church: being passionate about Justice, Compassion, Love and Healing; being Prophetic and Inclusive; being Holy and mediating the Sacred; blessing all of life and thus being a blessing to the community; offering a thoughtful journey of questioning and discovering. As a result of our discussion, we have agreed that our March meeting will look at how church services might be re-formed to reflect a progressive Christian approach. This will include sharing examples of services which we have attended or been informed about. We would be interested to hear from other groups who have made progress in developing progressive forms of service. We hope this may provide us with ideas for services in our local churches in the future. We enjoy meeting new members as they hear about us; we recently accepted an invitation to provide a stall at our local ecumenical partnership’s annual celebration event.