Frank's report 5th Sept 2012
Wednesday 5th September 2012
It was an unusually lively meeting on Saturday. Everyone joined in – and it seemed no-one wanted to go home. Conversation was still going strongly an hour after we closed! Eric introduced the question "What should we expect in PCN worship ?" - a particular concern being that communion orders and other traditional liturgies can direct us to say things we no longer believe.. He presented us with a fairly traditional model to provoke our thinking – for next November. We spent some time planning for the visit of Mark Townsend on October 7th, catering, advertising and hospitality. Please encourage as many as you can to come to what will be an interesting and rewarding afternoon. Rewarding – at least in that it will make us think....... We then shared our reflections on the first issue of the newsletter “Progressive Voices” which was generally appreciated. Glenys felt that the presentation, font etc, was too old fashioned for what was a modern “progressive” production. Should P.V. be primarily a presentation of news items – and should ‘heavier’ theological contributions be in a separate production? The consensus was that the two should be kept together. One or two found ‘morphic fields’ to be intriguing. Was there a good book on Liberation Theology? Book reviews and group reports were all valued. We were interested in the reference in the Exeter report on Buddhist ‘Mindfulness’ and the introduction of this into school curriculums . Everybody contributed to this discussion – apologies to any whose contribution has escaped me! Frank G