Making Sense of Religious Pluralism
Is Christian faith the only or best route to relationship with God? Shared action and dialogue between people whose faith experiences differ are changing the way Christian theologians are thinking about religious pluralism. Other religions are a source of spiritual vision and to be respected for what they can teach us. It has taken Christian theology many years to come to this point and there is no going back.
Alan Race is an expert in the interreligious field and has, throughout his career and ministry, built up a reputation for understanding and dialogue between faith communities. Here, he deals with the use of Scripture, inclusivism and exclusivism, pluralism and particularism, mission and dialogue. The next phase of Christian thought, he argues, will be shaped by new appreciation and insight stemming from the fact that Christianity is one religion among many. Alan is a trustee of PCN Britain.
This book is part of the “Making sense of…” series published by SPCK and sponsored by Modern Church. The books explore aspects of Christian faith from a liberal perspective. The cheapest price available for this particular book is on the Modern Church website.