Frank Godfrey letter 10 Dec 2012
Tuesday 11th December 2012
Sixteen of us spent an excellent afternoon on Saturday at the Christmas party - all round one table in the back room- ideal- baked potatoes and all. Many thanks to the Mavis and Mike organisation - and all who helped. Discussion went on afterwards till 4 p.m with everyone joining in. Mary focussed our attention on the Nativity stories , much of our conversation centred in the nature and value of Myths. Andy reported on the progress of the new website. I can let you have a copy of his instructions about registering on it, if you have not already received one. While writing this the third issue of ‘Progressive Voices’ arrived. I immediately looked up what Gloucester had been doing. Nothing there!! Oh dear! Didn’t I send a report? Check file. No, I didn’t. My apologies to you all. I note that membership subscriptions for next year (Jan- December) can be paid from now. £30 full membership or £16 for those on limited income. This year PCN celebrates its 10th anniversary There will be a day conference on 20 April in London – “Celebrating a 21st century faith. Snow and ice permitting we next meet on Jan 5th, when I shall be introducing John Robinson’s book “Honest to God” which caused such a stir fifty years ago.“ Whether it will cause as much a stir on its fiftieth birthday remains to be seen. Wendy and I wish you a very Happy Christmas Frank