August Shoreline News
Thursday 15th August 2013
Hickling’s Shoreline meets weekly on Thursday afternoons, as we feel this gives us a needed sense of connectedness and continuity. New members and occasional visitors are always welcome to come to our informal gatherings. We also, as a group, travel monthly to the Norwich 'Fishpond' meeting. It's good to be surrounded by varied viewpoints on our joint journey of questioning and learning. We are currently viewing 'Living the Questions 2' - some are new to the series and others of us have seen them more than once. But all agree that they are a wonderful resource. What is interesting is how the views of many of us have changed since we first saw the DVDs two years ago - several of our members have 'de-churched' themselves, while others have become involved with Quaker and Unitarian meetings. Still others have decided to remain in their established churches and work for change from the inside. Alongside LTQ2, we are also listening to the recent audio CD offering from Free to Believe’s Windermere Reading Party in May. Richard Holloway discusses his most recent book, Leaving Alexandria, and gives a fascinating account of his journey of faith and doubt. He’s a truly remarkable man and Leaving Alexandria is an important book. (The Holloway CD set is available now at a total cost of £11. You can order by post with a cheque (payable to C. Avis at 37 Clifton Road, Exeter EX1 2BN), or more easily via Paypal using As a group, we are also looking forward to the 50th anniversary conference in November on 'Honest to God', a book which is just as relevant today as it was when it was first published. Shoreline is also involved in the local FoodBank programme and we were very pleased to find out that our small group's collections have donated the most food in our region so far this year. Several of us attended an area get-together where we heard more about the important work of FoodBank and had a chance to talk to representatives of the different agencies who put clients in touch with FoodBank.