Group Profile

Contact Details

Convenor: Peter Morgan
Location: Aberdeen
Region: Scotland
Phone: 01224 312641

About Us

A group of between 8 and 12 of us meet once a month.
We come from different backgrounds, a mix of clergy and lay people,but with the desire in common to be able to talk freely and honestly about our faith journey. Our discussions have been based on DVD resources, books by Marcus Borg, and on the book
" Lost Certainties " by Brian Wilson.
We meet in a church which has been the target of much hostility from fundamentalists, although we are by no means all members of that church obviously, and we welcome to our meetings any open-minded folk who value the search for understanding and human fellowship.

Venue & Meeting Times

We currently meet in one of the rooms at Queen's Cross Church, Albyn Place, Aberdeen, between 7.30 and 9.15 pm., on the last Wednesday of the month,
but during lockdown, we had some zoom discussions on Ben Whitney's book, The Apostates Creed, and finally had a zoom meeting with Ben, which was very worthwhile.
We will be starting our zoom discussions with a meeting in October.

Group History

The Aberdeen Group of PCN Britain was started in November 2011, and we met in different venues for the first year, when our discussions were motivated by the DVD Living the Questions 2.
We have continued to meet but with Queen's Cross Church as our venue, a church that has a long tradition of down-to-earth, thoughtful and theologically progressive ministers, but also a place that is fairly central and has easy parking.
The group has a mix of lay and clergy and It is always interesting to hear about other people's experiences in an open but safe environment, and we will welcome warmly any who wish to join us.

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